About RAW Capital Partners Investment

RAW Capital Partners identifies low-risk mortgage lending opportunities on quality residential property located in major towns and cities in the British Isles, which are more easily let and more easily sold, even during economic downturns. Risk is managed carefully via conservative lending standards, rigorous credit assessment and ongoing monitoring. The fund does not lend against high value properties in London or elsewhere in the UK, nor does it lend against development properties or land

The Fund benefits from the interest income generated by the loans. Capital security is provided via very conservative loan to valuation ratios, set at a maximum 55% Loan to Value across the portfolio, with a first legal charge on the property, and rigorous credit assessment of each lending opportunity.

Our commitment

The aim of the Fund is to achieve a consistent gross return of four to five per cent per annum above the Bank of England Base Rate. The vast majority of lending is variable rate, so if the Base Rate rises so do returns to investors.

Better returns than bank deposits

The Fund has provided very consistent returns to investors, provided from the interest payable on mortgage loans, since its launch in May 2015.

Robust risk management

Risk is managed carefully via conservative lending standards, rigorous credit assessment and ongoing monitoring.

Fee transparency £

We charge a single, transparent management fee to investors. The Fund bears the cost of the Fund’s Administration, Custody, Audit and Directors which equates to c0.19%.

High level of capital security

Capital security is provided by very conservative loan to valuation ratios, a first legal charge on residential property, and careful consideration by an experienced Credit Committee.

Alignment of interest

Directors and shareholders of RAW Capital Partners are invested in the Fund on the same terms as its clients, so their interests are aligned. Alignment of interest Invest as little as £10,000 with as short as 1 months' notice to redeem investment.

Investment Downloads

Carinthia House,
9-12 The Grange,
St Peter Port,
GY1 2QJ British Isles

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